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  • Writer's pictureLEO

37 - Postlude

Like pure white light, love contains within itself the entire spectrum of colors. Unless you know this to be true, you will think of colors as separate phenomena. You will see the color of generosity and the color of compassion on one end of the spectrum. On the other you will will see physical desire and passion. So it is that many religions condemn sexual attraction, construed in opposition to love. So it is also that our pornographic, consumerist society presents sex as if it were interchangeable with love. Each of these extremes robs women of their being and men of their potential. Each is a profanation of our sacred nature.

The paths to know Love are inclusive rather than exclusive.

Witnessing white light for the first time is a mystical moment. It does not happen because we have found our ideal partner, our soul mate, or twin flame. These may be helpers, but white light only arises from within us.

Love and light are manifestations of the same Sublime. In all that exists, they are the alpha and the omega, the source and the sea. They are the pulsing substance of the infinitely great and small. Midway between these, the sun ever rises upon this river Seine, and our hearts beat not in vain.


LEO's musical association:

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