Some live to the age of 60, some to 120. Legend has it that some have lived 900 years. Modern science is pushing back the theoretical limits of the human life-span. You hold certain beliefs about aging, and these beliefs determine your life span as much as any genetic disposition. If you believe the billboards, there is no life beyond the cosmetic idolatry of youth. With such an undercurrent of tacitly shared perception, it is no wonder those of old-age condemn themselves to decrepitude.
How old are you?
Here is a trick worth a trying for your next birthday. Make it your gift to yourself.
Forget about the age you have been assigned. Imagine that your birth date is a mystery. The data has been lost. You must therefore choose the age that you want--the age that feels right for you.
Celebrate that chosen age at your next birthday.
Believe that you will be capable of thinking new thoughts that will cause you to do new things. Through this deliberate renewal, you will roll back the clock one year, each year. You have entered into a valley of age equilibrium. Every year from now on, or until you choose to feel a different age, you simply remain the same age. How does it feel to be timeless?
Make of your birthday a “(re)birthday.” Think of it as another start at feeling freshly and fiercely alive. Immerse yourself in the ocean of possibility and emerge again, a new woman or man.
A birthday need not be about getting older. It can be a ritual of renewal.
In this way, the passing of years increases the number of renewals. Instead of becoming so many years older, you become so many years renewed. Renewal is not a return to your previous state, it is an experiment with becoming a greater expression of yourself.
Wine is made from the juice of grapes, yet it is of an entirely different nature. On your birthday, become the alchemist.
The greatest gift you can receive on this day is the realization of what it is you were born to give to the world. This realization may be sudden, as it may also unfurl with the passing of the years, each worthy of celebration!