May the flow be with you
There is as great of wonder in a droplet clinging to a leaf as in a roaring cascade. The pattern of a snowflake has the same magic as a still mountain lake. The surface of our blue planet is mostly water, and all the flora and fauna that cover the land are themselves mostly water. And as we ponder this, we call upon our liquid minds. Every religion holds water as sacred and uses it to sanctify.
A Japanese scientist photographed water molecules as they spontaneously formed patterns in response to a spoken word. Words create vibrations of differing frequencies, and water captures vibrations. The word love creates a beautiful, coherent pattern. The word kill creates an incoherent pattern.
We have been told to drink more water, because it’s good for us. There is a way of interacting with water, as with all things. You can gulp down several gallons per day, as if you were a voracious machine. Or, you can savor each glass, and feel the good it does flowing down into you, all the way to the very last cell. Imagine billions of these cells sparkling in unison. That is what is like to feel radiant health.
Keep a glass bottle by your bed, and write on it your most beautiful intention, for yourself or for others. One to three beautiful words will do. When you wake up in the morning, take that bottle and fill yourself with its content, the most mysterious and pure liquid you will ever know.
Be glad, and be grateful.
Vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche.