29 - Beyond your pit lies your pot
The bottomless pit is an imagined hell, where our fear of falling becomes a never-ending nightmare. There is a theoretical physics of bottomless pits that demonstrates how the fall would ultimately bring us right back to our starting point. This is in fact the hell we create for ourselves. We walk the narrow, crooked path than runs along the wall of an abyss. There is no other path, and we are terrified of falling. In our petrified state, we induce the fall. In our doubt, we stumble. The path in and of itself could be easily walked if we held our heads straight, and our vision focused on the destination point.
This is the “pitiful” fate of a life without commitment. It is one of falling off every chosen path, and therefore having to live the experience again and again. Commitment need not mean sticking to a path no matter what, but it should mean giving the best of ourselves in the path we have chosen until it is clear that another path should be taken.
This is one of the simplest explanations of what makes some people more successful than others. From this clarity of intent and commitment to follow-through on a chosen path, luck makes its appearance, as if all were conspiring to help you become what you have set out to become. This is the pot beyond the pit. Be it a pot of gold or some other mark of success, its attainment requires getting past the pitfall.
Today, remind yourself of one path you have chosen. Be it major or minor in the scheme of your life, a path is a choice to devote time and energy to something. If the path is not right for you, switch. Otherwise, reaffirm wholeheartedly your commitment to it. Remember where it is leading you and stop gazing into the pit.